African Waistbeads (From Ghana)
Papabi! Designs - Handmade Leather
The Under $100 Shop
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Pan African Inspired Waist Beads (30 strands)
(50) The Eye of Protection - Authentic African Waist beads
'The Chakra Set' (50)Tie On Solid or MULTI Color Waistbeads
(21) The Orishas - Elegua - Authentic African Waist beads
(21) The Orishas - Shango - Authentic African Waist beads
(21) The Orishas - Obatala- Authentic African Waist Beads
(20) The Orishas - Ogun - Authentic African Waist beads
(20) The Orishas - The Goddess Oshun - Authentic African Waist beads
(20) The Orishas - Yemaya - Authentic African Waist beads
Jahzara! Professional Product Photography
(8) The Orishas - The God Obatala - Authentic African Waist beads
(7) The Orishas - The Goddess Oshun - Authentic African Waist beads
(5) The Eye of Protection - Authentic African waist bead set
(110) The Cosmic Collection - Authentic Ghana Waistbeads
(55) The Cosmic Collection
(100) Ghana multicolored Traditional Waist Beads
(100) Authetic Solid Color Tie On Ghana Waistbeads (assorted)
'The 50/50' Solid & Multi-Colored Authentic African Waist beads
(50) Assorted Solid Color African Tie on Waistbeads
(50) Long Authentic Tie-On Ghana Waist Bead - 70 inches.